A New Year and the ‘same old same old’ New Year Resolutions

Well 2013 has had its major ups and downs for me. After really having some major challenges put in front of me this year I don’t think I could have come out anymore on top. I saw the New Year in whilst in Zanzibar (an incredibly beautiful place) , travelled to Bali and the Gilli Islands with some incredible people, have shot my first advert, met more and become closer with some amazing people and generally having the time of my life on placement. But there are always improvements to be made, mistakes to be forgotten about and new goals to set for a new year. You know what they say ‘Onwards and Upwards’…Image

Every year everyone asks me ‘What are your New Year Resolutions?’ and I reply with ‘lose weight, stop eating rubbish bla bla bla’, and I don’t think I have ever actually stuck to anything. This year I am going to set myself a challenge and instead of setting a generic New Years Resolution or two, I am going to set myself a list of challenges or things I want to have done by the end of 2014…

My 2014 is going to be me living around one of my favourite verses from the Bible taken from Ephesians 3:20 , “God has more in store for you than you can even imagine”. I have had the most incredible 6 months on my placement and If someone had told me in June that I was going to experience the things I have and enjoy it this much I wouldn’t have believed them.

So Happy New Year Everyone- I have a really really good feeling about 2014 and all that it may bring…. KJW x